Imagine living in a modern city composed of self-sufficient neighborhoods and beautiful public spaces: one that exists in harmony with the natural world around us, that provides the infrastructure and economic opportunities necessary to support a vibrant economy, and actively works to be inclusive of all people.
Advocating for policy changes, programs, and projects that make our community more sustainable, livable, and equitable for all. Our positions are guided by citizen concerns and educated by expert opinion, peer-reviewed research, and case studies. This work gives voice to the economic and environmental pragamtism shared by many of our community's members.
Besides representing our city's current citizens, we must also advocate for future generations of residents by refecting on the choices we make today. Decision of the past cannot stifle the present and hurt the future. The foundations of the city of the future must be built today: one that provides the economic opportunities and quality of life necessary to keep our descendents rooted close to home.
Replacing an asphalt lot with a multi-use parking structure is a win-win compromise.
Fight the misinformation campaign being pushed by anti-development extremists.
Downtown Main Street should be a permanent pedestrian center for Ventura.